H implementation Festival Industrial Informatics i2festThe Chamber of Kavala, the Center for Technological Research AMG, the AMG Region and the Depart
H implementation Festival Industrial Informatics i2fest
The Chamber of Kavala, the Center for Technological Research AMG, the AMG Region and the Department of Informatics, TEI AMG will organize the modern Exhibition Center Kavala "Apostle Mardyris", the Nationwide Industrial Computer Festival (www.i2fest.gr).
It is a festival of new technologies this year and intends to highlight the potential of the information industry and significant impacts on social, economic and cultural life.
The approach to such a serious issue should have multiform features to proximity to a festival area people of different ages, educational levels and technological concepts. The development of such an action enables everyone to realize the digital divide, to learn new practical and functional applications of high technology products and mitigate the technophobia.
The Industrial IT festival has a special action program aiming to provide stimuli to the students of high schools and high schools, to highlight innovative practices from Greece, to offer the opportunity for students to present their work and the people in production to see their innovative proposals and all this combined with a variety of cultural activities during the festival.
The application presents the festival's activities:
- Daily schedule
- Credits
- Exhibits
- Presentation of sponsors
- map of the festival site, with directions from the current location of the user